Gameboy Development Forum

Discussion about software development for the old-school Gameboys, ranging from the "Gray brick" to Gameboy Color
(Launched in 2008)

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#1 2017-03-07 16:30:58

From: Bilbao, Spain
Registered: 2014-05-17
Posts: 54

Last Crown Warriors, new game project for Game Boy

Hello everyone,

As with Rocket Man ( I would like to record in the forum the progress of a new parallel project that I started recently for Game Boy. We are the same team, with Seiyouh ( in charge of the graphic part, NAP.VGM ( making music and sound effects and I ( as responsible for the design and programming.

This is Last Crown Warriors, a game that aims to bring to the Game Boy the action of the Musou or Warriors games.

The first playable prototype is now in process, development can be followed either through the twitter hashtag #LastCrownWarriors ( or through the updates I will be posting on Imanolea's Games ( … 20Warriors). I will try to inform through this forum as well.

In the last update I focused on getting a multi-directional scroll that supports high speeds.

Regards, I hope you like the game.

Last edited by Imanolea (2017-03-16 14:57:18)



#2 2017-03-09 20:35:46

Registered: 2014-11-19
Posts: 197

Re: Last Crown Warriors, new game project for Game Boy

Can you teach me how to make a game like that

Make some video tutorials please

Twitter : @Sfeedman please follow
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#3 2017-03-09 20:43:55

Registered: 2014-01-29
Posts: 40

Re: Last Crown Warriors, new game project for Game Boy

@npzman watch these videos-the author is pretty knowledgeable, and is still around this forum I believe

Working in Gameboy BASIC.



#4 2017-03-10 03:38:15

From: Bilbao, Spain
Registered: 2014-05-17
Posts: 54

Re: Last Crown Warriors, new game project for Game Boy

npzman wrote:

Can you teach me how to make a game like that

Make some video tutorials please

Teaching Game Boy development trough videos is something that's been on my mind lately. But right now, I prefer to prioritize the development of the projects I'm currently working on.

In any case, fortunately there are already many good tutorials to get started in Game Boy development.



#5 2017-03-10 05:48:57

Registered: 2014-11-19
Posts: 197

Re: Last Crown Warriors, new game project for Game Boy

Imanolea wrote:

npzman wrote:

Can you teach me how to make a game like that

Make some video tutorials please

Teaching Game Boy development trough videos is something that's been on my mind lately. But right now, I prefer to prioritize the development of the projects I'm currently working on.

In any case, fortunately there are already many good tutorials to get started in Game Boy development.

I barely find any on youtube make some before this mounth ends

Twitter : @Sfeedman please follow
Join : my website please join



#6 2017-03-10 18:14:31

Registered: 2014-01-29
Posts: 40

Re: Last Crown Warriors, new game project for Game Boy

@Imanolea -I appreciate your response.  Something that I hope that you'll show in a video tutorial is bank switching.  I just never can seem to wrap my mind around it (if you project is in c).  I cant even begin to comprehend asm.  Anyways, your game looks amazing, keep up the great work big_smile

Working in Gameboy BASIC.



#7 2017-03-10 21:36:29

Registered: 2016-06-01
Posts: 42

Re: Last Crown Warriors, new game project for Game Boy

MrElephant wrote:

Something that I hope that you'll show in a video tutorial is bank switching.

I think there is supposed to be a sample if you have GBDK called "banked" in the examples/gb folder/directory of GBDK. There is also a link that shows the switching of banks here:



#8 2017-03-10 23:57:46

Registered: 2014-11-19
Posts: 197

Re: Last Crown Warriors, new game project for Game Boy

Hello Imanolea
how to install this game engne I want a video tutorial on that

then  I need help to compile that

Twitter : @Sfeedman please follow
Join : my website please join



#9 2017-03-11 08:12:05

From: Bilbao, Spain
Registered: 2014-05-17
Posts: 54

Re: Last Crown Warriors, new game project for Game Boy

Thank you for the interest shown.

I prefer to limit the discussion of this topic to the game that is showing, Last Crown Warriors. I'd rather talk about specific Game Boy development issues on a dedicated topic.

MrElephant wrote:

@Imanolea -I appreciate your response.  Something that I hope that you'll show in a video tutorial is bank switching.  I just never can seem to wrap my mind around it (if you project is in c).  I cant even begin to comprehend asm.  Anyways, your game looks amazing, keep up the great work big_smile

Last Crown Warriors, just like Rocket Man ( is 100% made in assembly. There is a performance comparison that justifies this on my blog ( … e-boy.html). About bank switching, I hope that the resources of Tag365 will serve you. If you need an example of a game in C that uses bank switching, you have the source of Akaru Hime here: … ss_carnage . Akaru Hime was the game that I developed collaboratively for the last BitBitJam (

Last edited by Imanolea (2017-03-11 08:13:01)



#10 2017-03-11 15:50:20

Registered: 2014-01-29
Posts: 40

Re: Last Crown Warriors, new game project for Game Boy

I have seen that example before @tag365, still trying to wrap my head around it all. It is pretty confusing, but I believe I am beginning to understand it.

Working in Gameboy BASIC.



#11 2017-03-11 17:51:14

Registered: 2014-11-19
Posts: 197

Re: Last Crown Warriors, new game project for Game Boy

npzman wrote:

Hello Imanolea
how to install this game engne I want a video tutorial on that

then  I need help to compile that

Why no answer to my question

Twitter : @Sfeedman please follow
Join : my website please join



#12 2017-03-13 00:07:16

Registered: 2014-11-19
Posts: 197

Re: Last Crown Warriors, new game project for Game Boy

I don't want to sound rude but I am getting pissed that people are ingoring what I wrote

Twitter : @Sfeedman please follow
Join : my website please join



#13 2017-03-13 04:47:06

From: Bilbao, Spain
Registered: 2014-05-17
Posts: 54

Re: Last Crown Warriors, new game project for Game Boy

npzman wrote:

I don't want to sound rude but I am getting pissed that people are ingoring what I wrote

I'm sorry if it seems that I'm ignoring you, I thought I already answered your question.

Imanolea wrote:

I prefer to limit the discussion of this topic to the game that is showing, Last Crown Warriors. I'd rather talk about specific Game Boy development issues on a dedicated topic.

About your specific problem, there is already a topic dedicated to the engine about which you have doubts ( I think it would be better to ask there in order not to distort this topic.



#14 2017-03-13 16:48:08

Registered: 2008-02-22
Posts: 247

Re: Last Crown Warriors, new game project for Game Boy

npzman wrote:

I don't want to sound rude but I am getting pissed that people are ingoring what I wrote

Maybe you need to put some work in yourself. Also, have more patience.

Blog: Gameboy Genius
"A journey of a thousand miles begins with one small step"
Old Chinese Proverb



#15 2017-03-15 12:32:03

Registered: 2017-03-12
Posts: 14

Re: Last Crown Warriors, new game project for Game Boy

very exciting.
the graphic looks amazing!
looking foreword # big_smile #

because lately i'm thinking about the subject in gb (or gbc), i noticed that when your sprite gets to high grass then its tiles are changed so it would feel like the grass is in front of it.
it looks good, but i wanted to know if you had any other ideas for technics for creating the feeling of hiding (with grass, walls, trees and so on). or any interesting Thoughts based on the technic you used here.
ill be glad to hear smile



#16 2017-03-15 18:44:46

From: Bilbao, Spain
Registered: 2014-05-17
Posts: 54

Re: Last Crown Warriors, new game project for Game Boy

Thank you very much for the compliments.

Showing some graphics behind others in Game Boy is not especially simple.

What I do in Last Crown Warriors is the same thing that is done in the Zelda saga for this platform, put sprites of grass over the sprite of the character. The point is that the hardware first draws the sprite with the lowest X coordinate, and in the case that two sprites share the coordinate, it first draws the sprite that is in the highest memory address. The grass sprite shares X coordinate with the character, but is located in a lower direction, so it is drawn above.

So in a system like Game Boy it is difficult to control which sprite is going to overlap another, unless the coordinates are controlled.

The truth is that there are other techniques to achieve this effect. For each sprite there is a priority bit, with which we can get our sprite drawn behind the background. So with a white background (color 0), and the priority bit of our sprite raised, we can get it to be drawn behind any element in the background. This happens in "Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles - Fall of the Foot Clan".

Beyond these options, there are sure to be others. The important thing is to try to take full advantage of the limitations of the system.



#17 2017-03-16 06:50:27

From: Paignton, Devon, UK
Registered: 2015-12-16
Posts: 103

Re: Last Crown Warriors, new game project for Game Boy

Sprite priority is a handy thing to keep in mind in general, particularly if you're planning on having many on screen at once! Infinitron keeps certain sprites in higher priority places as they're more important to the player so it's not so bad if 8 or more share the same scanline.

I'm loving seing how this game is coming along btw, best of luck with it's future development!

Last edited by rychan (2017-03-16 06:51:38)



#18 2017-03-16 08:24:37

From: Bilbao, Spain
Registered: 2014-05-17
Posts: 54

Re: Last Crown Warriors, new game project for Game Boy

Thanks rychan!

I agree that it is a good idea to place bullets or important objects for the player in lower memory addresses.

Although one of the biggest problems comes when you exceed the limit of 10 sprites per line, there the memory address of the sprite apparently loses its importance and from what I understand the sprites with a higher value in its X coordinate are the ones that are not drawn.

In Last Crown Warriors I have built a flickering system to prevent certain sprites from being permanently invisible, rotating in each frame the directions of the sprites of the enemies in OAM RAM. Curiously, this works, even though the X coordinate of the enemies is not being changed. So I suspect that the hardware takes into account something more than this coordinate when it comes to leaving out a sprite in a line.

I see that in Infinitron you use also many simultaneous sprites, I do not know if you have had to face this limitation.

In any case, good luck with your projects too.



#19 2017-03-16 08:44:58

From: Paignton, Devon, UK
Registered: 2015-12-16
Posts: 103

Re: Last Crown Warriors, new game project for Game Boy

No worries smile

Yeah, somehow it's not become a big issue despite the number of sprites on screen at once. When I was testing it out with more enemies on screen the x-co-ord definately became a factor regarding drawing priority. But yeah, luckily, no real need for flickering.

GBDK would probably eat up too much CPU doing more comparisons for flickering I reckon.



#20 2017-03-26 06:39:45

From: Bilbao, Spain
Registered: 2014-05-17
Posts: 54

Re: Last Crown Warriors, new game project for Game Boy

Today I posted a new game screenshotsaturday. This covers a first approach to attacks in the game.

I look forward to commenting on the game features in-depth with a dedicated blog entry.

I hope you like it.

Last edited by Imanolea (2017-03-26 06:58:01)



#21 2017-03-26 10:36:56

From: France
Registered: 2015-02-26
Posts: 59

Re: Last Crown Warriors, new game project for Game Boy

It looks nice!

Do you plan on having multiple characters available in the game? If yes, I guess they would have different gameplay mechanics?



#22 2017-03-26 11:20:37

From: Bilbao, Spain
Registered: 2014-05-17
Posts: 54

Re: Last Crown Warriors, new game project for Game Boy

Thanks Xephyr!

For the first version of the game, three different playable characters are in development. Each will fight with a different weapon and will have an exclusive secondary weapon that will affect their gameplay.

For now two have been shown: The legendary soldier of Last Crown, a game I made for the BitBit Jam 2015 ( … -2015.html). And Lilian, a forest warrior.

For future versions, some additional characters are planned.



#23 2017-04-09 13:44:10

From: Bilbao, Spain
Registered: 2014-05-17
Posts: 54

Re: Last Crown Warriors, new game project for Game Boy

I wrote a post in the blog explaining how the scroll system of the game works. … croll.html

Any kind of feedback is appreciated.



#24 2017-04-10 08:49:19

From: Frankfurt, Germany
Registered: 2016-06-06
Posts: 112

Re: Last Crown Warriors, new game project for Game Boy

Thanks, the blog entry is very instructive. smile It would be very interesting if you could publish similar posts on other topics that are required for game design (like efficient routines for collision detection etc.).



#25 2017-04-10 09:39:40

From: Bilbao, Spain
Registered: 2014-05-17
Posts: 54

Re: Last Crown Warriors, new game project for Game Boy

Thanks Jonas.

In future posts I will try to cover other aspects of the development. In the specific case of the scroll system, I think it could be said that it is "finished". As I leave "finished" systems, I will try to write about them. Always from a conceptual point of view, so that it is not necessary to understand assembly in order to apply the ideas that are exposed. The collision will surely be one of the systems on which I will write.



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