Gameboy Development Forum

Discussion about software development for the old-school Gameboys, ranging from the "Gray brick" to Gameboy Color
(Launched in 2008)

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#1 2020-10-31 05:03:41

Koop the Koopa
New member
Registered: 2020-10-31
Posts: 6

WARNING: Possibly wrote twice at addr xxxx (xx->xx)

Hello, I am new here!
I am making a Game Boy Game that used GBT Player for music.
So I was making music, converting the music with mod2gbt and
then used ROM Banks for the music but it game me this:

WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4000 (A5->12)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4001 (D7->11)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4002 (C9->DC)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4003 (E1->C7)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4004 (BC->3E)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4006 (76->12)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4007 (31->11)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4008 (0C->DD)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4009 (BA->C7)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 400a (DE->3E)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 400c (1B->12)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 400d (CA->11)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 400e (03->DE)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 400f (93->C7)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4010 (F0->3E)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4012 (D2->12)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4013 (C3->11)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4014 (B4->DF)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4015 (A5->C7)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4016 (96->3E)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4018 (78->12)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4019 (69->11)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 401a (5A->E0)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 401b (4B->C7)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 401c (3C->3E)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 401d (2D->F0)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 401e (1E->12)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 401f (0F->11)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4020 (FD->E1)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4021 (EC->C7)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4022 (DB->3E)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4023 (CA->F0)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4024 (B9->12)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4025 (A8->11)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4026 (97->E2)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4027 (86->C7)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4028 (79->3E)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4029 (68->F0)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 402a (57->12)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 402b (46->11)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 402c (35->E3)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 402d (24->C7)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 402e (13->3E)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 402f (02->F0)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4030 (DE->12)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4031 (FE->11)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4032 (DC->E4)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4033 (BA->C7)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4034 (9A->3E)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4035 (A9->E0)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4036 (87->12)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4037 (77->11)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4038 (88->E5)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4039 (87->C7)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 403a (65->3E)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 403b (56->F0)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 403c (54->12)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 403d (32->11)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 403e (10->E6)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 403f (12->C7)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4040 (AB->3E)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4041 (CD->E0)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4042 (EF->12)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4043 (ED->11)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4044 (CB->E7)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4045 (A0->C7)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4046 (12->3E)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4047 (3E->E0)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4048 (DC->12)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4049 (BA->11)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 404a (BC->E8)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 404b (DE->C7)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 404c (FE->3E)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 404d (DC->C0)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 404e (32->12)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 404f (10->11)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4050 (FF->E9)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4051 (EE->C7)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4052 (DD->3E)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4053 (CC->E0)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4054 (BB->12)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4055 (AA->11)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4056 (99->EA)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4057 (88->C7)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4058 (77->3E)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4059 (66->C0)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 405a (55->12)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 405b (44->11)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 405c (33->EB)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 405d (22->C7)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 405e (11->3E)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 405f (00->C0)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4060 (FF->12)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4061 (FF->11)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4062 (FF->EC)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4063 (FF->C7)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4064 (FF->3E)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4065 (FF->80)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4066 (FF->12)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4067 (FF->11)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4068 (00->ED)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 4069 (00->C7)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 406a (00->3E)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 406b (00->C0)
WARNING: possibly wrote twice at addr 41fe (28->12)...

I even used extern variables in the game.

Am I doing something wrong here?

This is the make.bat file:

@echo off
if exist *.o del *.o
if exist *.map del *.map
if exist *.sym del *.sym
if exist *.lst del *.lst
if exist *.gb del *.gb
echo Compiling... Main.c
lcc -Wa-l -Wl-m -Wl-j -DUSE_SFR_FOR_REG -c -o main.o main.c
echo Compiling... gbt_player.s
lcc -Wa-l -Wl-m -Wl-j -DUSE_SFR_FOR_REG -c -o gbt_player.o music/gbt_player.s
echo Compiling... gbt_player_bank1.s
lcc -Wa-l -Wl-m -Wl-j -DUSE_SFR_FOR_REG -c -o gbt_player_bank1.o music/gbt_player_bank1.s
echo Compiling... music/TitleMusic.c
lcc -Wa-l -Wl-m -Wl-j -DUSE_SFR_FOR_REG -c -o TitleMusic.o music/TitleMusic.c
echo Linking...
lcc -Wa-l -Wl-m -Wl-j -DUSE_SFR_FOR_REG -Wl-yt26 -Wl-yo16 -Wl-ya4 -o main.o TitleMusic.o gbt_player.o gbt_player_bank1.o

Last edited by Koop the Koopa (2020-10-31 05:09:42)



#2 2020-10-31 05:54:22

Registered: 2020-02-13
Posts: 308

Re: WARNING: Possibly wrote twice at addr xxxx (xx->xx)

You have too much code in bank0 that overgrows into bank1, and it gets overwritten with something you put there.

You also using outdated version of gbdk - better try gbdk-2020, but first solve your issue, because the new gbdk-2020 toolchain does not give those errors, you just silently get a broken rom.

Last edited by toxa (2020-10-31 05:58:32)



#3 2020-11-02 10:18:57

Koop the Koopa
New member
Registered: 2020-10-31
Posts: 6

Re: WARNING: Possibly wrote twice at addr xxxx (xx->xx)

Ok, all I have to do is switch to GBDK-2020 And it works! Thanks alot!
Sorry for the late reply, I was not bothered doing it until now tongue



#4 2020-11-02 14:03:53

Registered: 2020-02-13
Posts: 308

Re: WARNING: Possibly wrote twice at addr xxxx (xx->xx)

no. smile you just get broken code. read carefully what i said above.



#5 2020-11-03 02:22:50

From: Spain
Registered: 2016-07-26
Posts: 103

Re: WARNING: Possibly wrote twice at addr xxxx (xx->xx)

Hey Toxa
I didn't know the new linker doesn't warn you about this... maybe we should open a bug because that message it's very useful
How else do you know if a bank is overflowing?



#6 2020-11-03 14:50:24

Registered: 2020-02-13
Posts: 308

Re: WARNING: Possibly wrote twice at addr xxxx (xx->xx)

well, i'm not sure, we should look into it, but if linker produces ihx that has overlapping paragrahps, then it is very easily checked after the linking stage, but before makebin stage.



#7 2020-11-03 15:47:37

Registered: 2020-02-13
Posts: 308

Re: WARNING: Possibly wrote twice at addr xxxx (xx->xx)

yes, it can be easily checked before makebin:


#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
from intelhex import IntelHex

def checkhex(fname):
    ih = IntelHex(fname)

if __name__=='__main__':

gives this error:


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 11, in <module>
  File "", line 7, in checkhex
    ih = IntelHex(fname)
  File "C:\Python\lib\site-packages\intelhex\", line 90, in __init__
  File "C:\Python\lib\site-packages\intelhex\", line 212, in loadhex
    decode(s, line)
  File "C:\Python\lib\site-packages\intelhex\", line 145, in _decode_record
    raise AddressOverlapError(address=addr, line=line)
intelhex.AddressOverlapError: Hex file has data overlap at address 0x4000 on line 601

which is absolutely correct, i intentionally made code overlap.



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