Gameboy Development Forum

Discussion about software development for the old-school Gameboys, ranging from the "Gray brick" to Gameboy Color
(Launched in 2008)

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#1 2021-02-18 03:24:16

New member
Registered: 2021-02-18
Posts: 6

GBDK 2020 Build from source on Raspberry Pi 400

Hello everyone, i recently discovered the awesome gbdk2020 and I'm would like to build it on my brand new Raspberry 400. I followed the build requirements and downloaded the sdcc that now lives in the /usr folder on my system, for the SDCCDIR variable I used this command: export SDCCDIR=/usr/sdcc but when I try to sudo make I got the following error: error SDCCDIR is undefined I do not understand why because in the terminal if I enter $SDCCDIR i can see the path of my sdcc installation. When I added this export to my bash profile it also shows up correctly with the printenv command. I do not know waht I'm doing wrong here hope someone with better experience and knowledge can help me with that. Thank you to everyone will participate.



#2 2021-02-18 07:57:52

Registered: 2020-02-13
Posts: 308

Re: GBDK 2020 Build from source on Raspberry Pi 400

just tried that on my raspberry pi 1, it took ages to build the library, but all worked perfectly, all examples also compiled fine.

uname -a

Linux raspberrypi 5.10.11+ #1399 Thu Jan 28 12:02:28 GMT 2021 armv6l GNU/Linux

Last edited by toxa (2021-02-18 08:39:27)



#3 2021-02-18 08:02:17

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Registered: 2021-02-18
Posts: 6

Re: GBDK 2020 Build from source on Raspberry Pi 400

Toxa thank you su much for your report, I feel so dumb right now... Can you tell me the procedure you followed to do that ? where did you downloaded sdcc ? How did you set SDCCDIR in your Pi ? Thanks a lot



#4 2021-02-18 08:44:24

Registered: 2020-02-13
Posts: 308

Re: GBDK 2020 Build from source on Raspberry Pi 400

1. clone the GBDK-2020 repo into home
2. download latest SDCC daily: … 2/download
3. unzip it into home
4. export PATH=$PATH:~/sdcc/bin
5. export SDCCDIR=~/sdcc
6. enter gbdk-2020 subdirectory and run make

Last edited by toxa (2021-02-18 08:44:44)



#5 2021-02-18 08:46:51

Registered: 2020-02-13
Posts: 308

Re: GBDK 2020 Build from source on Raspberry Pi 400

everything will land into gbdk-2020/build/gbdk, including binaries. copy that somewhere you wish it to be, then you may delete gbdk-2020 repo and sdcc.



#6 2021-02-18 08:58:25

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Registered: 2021-02-18
Posts: 6

Re: GBDK 2020 Build from source on Raspberry Pi 400

Ok, so i followed your instructions and this is the printenv result:


This is the content of the home folder:

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ls
gbdk-2020-4.0.2  sdcc  sdcc-snapshot-armv6l-unknown-linux-gnueabihf-20210121-12016.tar.bz2

when I try to sudo make this is the error:

Makefile:220: *** SDCCDIR is undefined.  Stop.

Fresh Raspbian Installation on Raspberry Pi4, I'm going crazy, i do not know if it's me or something on my installation is not set properly

Anyway toxa thank you very much for your help !!



#7 2021-02-18 09:09:26

Registered: 2020-02-13
Posts: 308

Re: GBDK 2020 Build from source on Raspberry Pi 400

did you unzip sdcc? smile ah, i see, you did. i have no idea what's your problem.

Last edited by toxa (2021-02-18 09:11:06)



#8 2021-02-18 09:12:12

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Registered: 2021-02-18
Posts: 6

Re: GBDK 2020 Build from source on Raspberry Pi 400

Yes ! next to gbdk-2020-4.0.2 you can see the sdcc folder, I used tar xjf ...



#9 2021-02-18 09:57:20

Registered: 2020-02-13
Posts: 308

Re: GBDK 2020 Build from source on Raspberry Pi 400

probably something is wrong with make. i can archive binaries for you. here is the link: … ar.gz?dl=0

Last edited by toxa (2021-02-18 10:07:41)



#10 2021-02-18 10:11:52

New member
Registered: 2021-02-18
Posts: 6

Re: GBDK 2020 Build from source on Raspberry Pi 400

Yes, it will be awesome Thanks a lot ! Even if for me would be more instructive to understand why in the world this thing will not build :-(



#11 2021-02-18 11:08:10

New member
Registered: 2021-02-18
Posts: 6

Re: GBDK 2020 Build from source on Raspberry Pi 400

I was finally able to compile everything problem number 1 : I run make with sudo ... and this is wrong ! problem number 2: EVERY single file in my sdcc folder was not marked as executable so I chmod 777 all the bin files into the sdcc/bin folder. Everything went fine THANK YOU so much for the support



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