Gameboy Development Forum

Discussion about software development for the old-school Gameboys, ranging from the "Gray brick" to Gameboy Color
(Launched in 2008)

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#1 2010-12-23 16:27:53

New member
Registered: 2010-12-23
Posts: 1

DMG/CGB cartridge types

Hi there!

I've got a question regarding the cartridge type designator present in every GameBoy-ROM at offset 0x147.

this document lists the following:


0147       Cartridge type:

           0 - ROM ONLY                12 - ROM+MBC3+RAM

           1 - ROM+MBC1                13 - ROM+MBC3+RAM+BATT

           2 - ROM+MBC1+RAM            19 - ROM+MBC5

           3 - ROM+MBC1+RAM+BATT       1A - ROM+MBC5+RAM

           5 - ROM+MBC2                1B - ROM+MBC5+RAM+BATT

           6 - ROM+MBC2+BATTERY        1C - ROM+MBC5+RUMBLE

           8 - ROM+RAM                 1D - ROM+MBC5+RUMBLE+SRAM

           9 - ROM+RAM+BATTERY         1E - ROM+MBC5+RUMBLE+SRAM+BATT

           B - ROM+MMM01               1F - Pocket Camera

           C - ROM+MMM01+SRAM          FD - Bandai TAMA5

           D - ROM+MMM01+SRAM+BATT     FE - Hudson HuC-3

           F - ROM+MBC3+TIMER+BATT     FF - Hudson HuC-1

          10 - ROM+MBC3+TIMER+RAM+BATT

          11 - ROM+MBC3

I've looked at the sourcecode of Rainer Zieglers ReadPlus, and he additionaly lists:


    15 - ROM+MBC4
    16 - ROM+MBC4+SRAM
    17 - ROM+MBC4+SRAM(Battery)

In addition to that, 20 appears to be MBC6 and 22 appears to be MBC7+Tilt sensor.

That leaves me without information for cartridge types 4,7,A,E,14,18,21.

Does anyone know anything about these?
I've thought about writing a small program that scans all GB ROMs for these unknown types, but wanted to ask here first.

In case you're wondering, I need this for a Super Nintendo program that displays information about cartridges inserted into the Super GameBoy.



#2 2010-12-23 19:34:23

Registered: 2008-02-22
Posts: 247

Re: DMG/CGB cartridge types

That's a horribly outdated version of the pandocs. You can check here: (original HTML file) or here … ridge_Type (wiki hosted on this site.) The new version doesn't actually add anything new, but it's a newer resource in general if you want to look something up.

Have you actually seen 4,7,A,E,14,18,21in the wild, or do you just assume they exist. If the former, which games?

Also, as far as I know, there's no way to read out information about the game from the SNES side, as the Gameboy stuff is running on a separate CPU.

Blog: Gameboy Genius
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Old Chinese Proverb



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