Timer and Divider Registers

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FF04 - DIV - Divider Register (R/W)

This register is incremented at rate of 16384Hz (~16779Hz on SGB). In CGB Double Speed Mode it is incremented twice as fast, ie. at 32768Hz. Writing any value to this register resets it to 00h.

FF05 - TIMA - Timer counter (R/W)

This timer is incremented by a clock frequency specified by the TAC register ($FF07). When the value overflows (gets bigger than FFh) then it will be reset to the value specified in TMA (FF06), and an interrupt will be requested, as described below.

FF06 - TMA - Timer Modulo (R/W)

When the TIMA overflows, this data will be loaded.

FF07 - TAC - Timer Control (R/W)

 Bit 2    - Timer Stop  (0=Stop, 1=Start)
 Bits 1-0 - Input Clock Select
            00:   4096 Hz    (~4194 Hz SGB)
            01: 262144 Hz  (~268400 Hz SGB)
            10:  65536 Hz   (~67110 Hz SGB)
            11:  16384 Hz   (~16780 Hz SGB)

INT 50 - Timer Interrupt

Each time when the timer overflows (ie. when TIMA gets bigger than FFh), then an interrupt is requested by setting Bit 2 in the IF Register (FF0F). When that interrupt is enabled, then the CPU will execute it by calling the timer interrupt vector at 0050h.


The above described Timer is the built-in timer in the gameboy. It has nothing to do with the MBC3s battery buffered Real Time Clock - that's a completely different thing, described in the chapter about Memory Banking Controllers.