Video Display

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LCD Control Register

Detailed article: LCDC

FF40 - LCDC - LCD Control (R/W)

 Bit 7 - LCD Display Enable             (0=Off, 1=On)
 Bit 6 - Window Tile Map Display Select (0=9800-9BFF, 1=9C00-9FFF)
 Bit 5 - Window Display Enable          (0=Off, 1=On)
 Bit 4 - BG & Window Tile Data Select   (0=8800-97FF, 1=8000-8FFF)
 Bit 3 - BG Tile Map Display Select     (0=9800-9BFF, 1=9C00-9FFF)
 Bit 2 - OBJ (Sprite) Size              (0=8x8, 1=8x16)
 Bit 1 - OBJ (Sprite) Display Enable    (0=Off, 1=On)
 Bit 0 - BG/Window Display/Priority     (0=Off, 1=On)

LCD Status Register

FF41 - STAT - LCDC Status (R/W)

 Bit 6 - LYC=LY Coincidence Interrupt (1=Enable) (Read/Write)
 Bit 5 - Mode 2 OAM Interrupt         (1=Enable) (Read/Write)
 Bit 4 - Mode 1 V-Blank Interrupt     (1=Enable) (Read/Write)
 Bit 3 - Mode 0 H-Blank Interrupt     (1=Enable) (Read/Write)
 Bit 2 - Coincidence Flag  (0:LYC<>LY, 1:LYC=LY) (Read Only)
 Bit 1-0 - Mode Flag       (Mode 0-3, see below) (Read Only)
           0: During H-Blank
           1: During V-Blank
           2: During Searching OAM
           3: During Transferring Data to LCD Driver

The two lower STAT bits show the current status of the LCD controller.

The LCD controller operates on a 222 Hz = 4.194 MHz dot clock. An entire frame is 154 scanlines, 70224 dots, or 16.74 ms. On scanlines 0 through 143, the LCD controller cycles through modes 2, 3, and 0 once every 456 dots. Scanlines 144 through 153 are mode 1.

The following are typical when the display is enabled:

 Mode 2  2_____2_____2_____2_____2_____2___________________2____
 Mode 3  _33____33____33____33____33____33__________________3___
 Mode 0  ___000___000___000___000___000___000________________000
 Mode 1  ____________________________________11111111111111_____

When the LCD controller is reading a particular part of video memory, that memory is inaccessible to the CPU.

  • During modes 2 and 3, the CPU cannot access OAM (FE00h-FE9Fh).
  • During mode 3, the CPU cannot access VRAM or CGB Palette Data (FF69,FF6B).
Properties of STAT modes
Mode Action Duration Accessible video memory
Mode 2 Scanning OAM for (X, Y) coordinates of sprites that overlap this line 80 dots (19 us) VRAM, CGB palettes
Mode 3 Reading OAM and VRAM to generate the picture 168 to 291 cycles (40 to 60 us) depending on sprite count None
Mode 0 Horizontal blanking 85 to 208 dots (20 to 49 us) depending on previous mode 3 duration VRAM, OAM, CGB palettes
Mode 1 Vertical blanking 4560 dots (1087 us, 10 scanlines) VRAM, OAM, CGB palettes

Unlike most game consoles, the Game Boy can pause the dot clock briefly, adding dots to mode 3's duration. It routinely takes a 6 to 11 dot break to fetch sprite patterns between background tile pattern fetches. On DMG and GBC in DMG mode, mid-scanline writes to BGP allow observing this behavior, as a sprite delay shifts the effect of a write to the left by that many dots.

Three things are known to pause the dot clock:

Background scrolling
If SCX mod 8 is not zero at the start of the scanline, rendering is paused for that many dots while the shifter discards that many pixels from the leftmost tile.
An active window pauses for at least 6 dots, as the background fetching mechanism starts over at the left side of the window.
Each sprite usually pauses for 11 - min(5, (x + SCX) mod 8) dots. Because sprite fetch waits for background fetch to finish, a sprite's cost depends on its position relative to the left side of the background tile under it. It's greater if a sprite is directly aligned over the background tile, less if the sprite is to the right. If the sprite's left side is over the window, use 255 - WX for SCX in this formula.

Not fully understood: The exact pause duration for window start is not confirmed; it may have the same background fetch finish delay as a sprite. If two sprites' left sides are over the same background or window tile, the second may pause for fewer dots.

A hardware quirk in the monochrome Game Boy makes the LCD interrupt sometimes trigger when writing to STAT (including writing $00) during OAM scan, H-Blank, V-Blank, or LY=LYC. It behaves as if $FF were written for one cycle, and then the written value were written the next cycle. Because the GBC in DMG mode does not have this quirk, two games that depend on this quirk (Ocean's Road Rash and Vic Tokai's Xerd no Densetsu) will not run on a GBC.

LCD Interrupts

INT 40 - V-Blank Interrupt

The V-Blank interrupt occurs ca. 59.7 times a second on a handheld Game Boy (DMG or CGB) or Game Boy Player and ca. 61.1 times a second on a Super Game Boy (SGB). This interrupt occurs at the beginning of the V-Blank period (LY=144). During this period video hardware is not using VRAM so it may be freely accessed. This period lasts approximately 1.1 milliseconds.

INT 48 - LCDC Status Interrupt

There are various reasons for this interrupt to occur as described by the STAT register ($FF41). One very popular reason is to indicate to the user when the video hardware is about to redraw a given LCD line. This can be useful for dynamically controlling the SCX/SCY registers ($FF43/$FF42) to perform special video effects.

Example application : set LYC to WY, enable LY=LYC interrupt, and have the handler disable sprites. This can be used if you use the window for a text box (at the bottom of the screen), and you want sprites to be hidden by the text box.

The interrupt is triggered when transitioning from "No conditions met" to "Any condition met", which can cause the interrupt to not fire. Example : the Mode 0 and LY=LYC interrupts are enabled ; since the latter triggers during Mode 2 (right after Mode 0), the interrupt will trigger for Mode 0 but fail to for LY=LYC.

LCD Position and Scrolling

These registers can be accessed even during Mode 3, but they have no effect until the end of the current scanline.

FF42 - SCY - Scroll Y (R/W), FF43 - SCX - Scroll X (R/W)

Specifies the position in the 256x256 pixels BG map (32x32 tiles) which is to be displayed at the upper/left LCD display position. Values in range from 0-255 may be used for X/Y each, the video controller automatically wraps back to the upper (left) position in BG map when drawing exceeds the lower (right) border of the BG map area.

FF44 - LY - LCDC Y-Coordinate (R)

The LY indicates the vertical line to which the present data is transferred to the LCD Driver. The LY can take on any value between 0 through 153. The values between 144 and 153 indicate the V-Blank period.

FF45 - LYC - LY Compare (R/W)

The Gameboy permanently compares the value of the LYC and LY registers. When both values are identical, the coincident bit in the STAT register becomes set, and (if enabled) a STAT interrupt is requested.

FF4A - WY - Window Y Position (R/W), FF4B - WX - Window X Position minus 7 (R/W)

Specifies the upper/left positions of the Window area. (The window is an alternate background area which can be displayed above of the normal background. OBJs (sprites) may be still displayed above or behind the window, just as for normal BG.)

The window becomes visible (if enabled) when positions are set in range WX=0..166, WY=0..143. A position of WX=7, WY=0 locates the window at upper left, it is then completely covering normal background.

WX values 0-6 and 166 are unreliable due to hardware bugs. If WX is set to 0, the window will "stutter" horizontally when SCX changes. (Depending on SCX modulo 8, behavior is a little complicated so you should try it yourself.)

LCD Monochrome Palettes

FF47 - BGP - BG Palette Data (R/W) - Non CGB Mode Only

This register assigns gray shades to the color numbers of the BG and Window tiles.

 Bit 7-6 - Shade for Color Number 3
 Bit 5-4 - Shade for Color Number 2
 Bit 3-2 - Shade for Color Number 1
 Bit 1-0 - Shade for Color Number 0

The four possible gray shades are:

 0  White
 1  Light gray
 2  Dark gray
 3  Black

In CGB Mode the Color Palettes are taken from CGB Palette Memory instead.

FF48 - OBP0 - Object Palette 0 Data (R/W) - Non CGB Mode Only

This register assigns gray shades for sprite palette 0. It works exactly as BGP (FF47), except that the lower two bits aren't used because sprite data 00 is transparent.

FF49 - OBP1 - Object Palette 1 Data (R/W) - Non CGB Mode Only

This register assigns gray shades for sprite palette 1. It works exactly as BGP (FF47), except that the lower two bits aren't used because sprite data 00 is transparent.

LCD Color Palettes (CGB only)

FF68 - BCPS/BGPI - CGB Mode Only - Background Palette Index

This register is used to address a byte in the CGBs Background Palette Memory. Each two byte in that memory define a color value. The first 8 bytes define Color 0-3 of Palette 0 (BGP0), and so on for BGP1-7.

 Bit 0-5   Index (00-3F)
 Bit 7     Auto Increment  (0=Disabled, 1=Increment after Writing)

Data can be read/written to/from the specified index address through Register FF69. When the Auto Increment bit is set then the index is automatically incremented after each <write> to FF69. Auto Increment has no effect when <reading> from FF69, so the index must be manually incremented in that case. Writing to FF69 during rendering still causes auto-increment to occur.

Unlike the following, this register can be accessed outside V-Blank and H-Blank.

FF69 - BCPD/BGPD - CGB Mode Only - Background Palette Data

This register allows to read/write data to the CGBs Background Palette Memory, addressed through Register FF68. Each color is defined by two bytes (Bit 0-7 in first byte).

 Bit 0-4   Red Intensity   (00-1F)
 Bit 5-9   Green Intensity (00-1F)
 Bit 10-14 Blue Intensity  (00-1F)

Much like VRAM, data in Palette Memory cannot be read/written during the time when the LCD Controller is reading from it. (That is when the STAT register indicates Mode 3). Note: All background colors are initialized as white by the boot ROM, but it's a good idea to initialize at least one color yourself (for example if you include a soft-reset mechanic).

FF6A - OCPS/OBPI - CGB Mode Only - Sprite Palette Index, FF6B - OCPD/OBPD - CGB Mode Only - Sprite Palette Data

These registers are used to initialize the Sprite Palettes OBP0-7, identically as described above for Background Palettes. Note that four colors may be defined for each OBP Palettes - but only Color 1-3 of each Sprite Palette can be displayed, Color 0 is always transparent, and can be initialized to a don't care value or plain never initialized.

Note: All sprite colors are left uninitialized by the boot ROM, and are somewhat random.

RGB Translation by CGBs

sRGB versus CGB color mixing

When developing graphics on PCs, note that the RGB values will have different appearance on CGB displays as on VGA/HDMI monitors calibrated to sRGB color. Because the GBC is not lit, the highest intensity will produce Light Gray color rather than White. The intensities are not linear; the values 10h-1Fh will all appear very bright, while medium and darker colors are ranged at 00h-0Fh.

The CGB display's pigments aren't perfectly saturated. This means the colors mix quite oddly; increasing intensity of only one R,G,B color will also influence the other two R,G,B colors. For example, a color setting of 03EFh (Blue=0, Green=1Fh, Red=0Fh) will appear as Neon Green on VGA displays, but on the CGB it'll produce a decently washed out Yellow. See image on the right.

RGB Translation by GBAs

Even though GBA is described to be compatible to CGB games, most CGB games are completely unplayable on older GBAs because most colors are invisible (black). Of course, colors such like Black and White will appear the same on both CGB and GBA, but medium intensities are arranged completely different. Intensities in range 00h..07h are invisible/black (unless eventually under best sunlight circumstances, and when gazing at the screen under obscure viewing angles), unfortunately, these intensities are regularly used by most existing CGB games for medium and darker colors.

Newer CGB games may avoid this effect by changing palette data when detecting GBA hardware (see how). Based on measurement of GBC and GBA palettes using the "144p Test Suite" ROM, a fairly close approximation is GBA = GBC * 3/4 + 8h for each R,G,B intensity. The result isn't quite perfect, and it may turn out that the color mixing is different also; anyways, it'd be still ways better than no conversion. Asides, this translation method should have been VERY easy to implement in GBA hardware directly, even though Nintendo obviously failed to do so. How did they say, "This seal is your assurance for excellence in workmanship" and so on?

This problem with low brightness levels does not affect later GBA SP units and Game Boy Player. Thus ideally, the player should have control of this brightness correction.

LCD OAM DMA Transfers

FF46 - DMA - DMA Transfer and Start Address (R/W)

Writing to this register launches a DMA transfer from ROM or RAM to OAM memory (sprite attribute table). The written value specifies the transfer source address divided by 100h, ie. source & destination are:

 Source:      XX00-XX9F   ;XX in range from 00-F1h
 Destination: FE00-FE9F

The transfer takes 160 machine cycles: 152 microseconds in normal speed or 76 microseconds in CGB Double Speed Mode. On DMG, during this time, the CPU can access only HRAM (memory at FF80-FFFE); on CGB, the bus used by the source area cannot be used (this isn't understood well at the moment, it's recommended to assume same behavior as DMG). For this reason, the programmer must copy a short procedure into HRAM, and use this procedure to start the transfer from inside HRAM, and wait until the transfer has finished:

  ld a, start address / 100h
  ldh  (FF46h),a ;start DMA transfer (starts right after instruction)
  ld  a,28h      ;delay...
 wait:           ;total 4x40 cycles, approx 160 μs
  dec a          ;1 cycle
  jr  nz,wait    ;3 cycles

Because sprites are not displayed while OAM DMA is in progress, most programs are executing this procedure from inside of their VBlank procedure. But it is also possible to execute it during display redraw also, allowing to display more than 40 sprites on the screen (ie. for example 40 sprites in upper half, and other 40 sprites in lower half of the screen), at the cost of a couple lines that lack sprites.

A more compact procedure is

 run_dma:  ; This part is in ROM
  ld a, start address / 100h
  ld bc, 2946h  ; B: wait time; C: OAM trigger
  jp run_dma_hrampart
  ldh ($FF00+c), a
  dec b
  jr nz,wait

which should be called with a = start address / 100h, bc = 2946h. This saves 5 bytes of HRAM, but is slightly slower in most cases because of the jump into the HRAM part.

LCD VRAM DMA Transfers (CGB only)

FF51 - HDMA1 - CGB Mode Only - New DMA Source, High

FF52 - HDMA2 - CGB Mode Only - New DMA Source, Low

These two registers specify the address at which the transfer will read data from. Normally, this should be either in ROM, SRAM or WRAM, thus either in range 0000-7FF0 or A000-DFF0. [Note : this has yet to be tested on Echo RAM, OAM, FEXX, IO and HRAM]. Trying to specify a source address in VRAM will cause garbage to be copied.

The four lower bits of this address will be ignored and treated as 0.

FF53 - HDMA3 - CGB Mode Only - New DMA Destination, High

FF54 - HDMA4 - CGB Mode Only - New DMA Destination, Low

These two registers specify the address within 8000-9FF0 to which the data will be copied. Only bits 12-4 are respected; others are ignored. The four lower bits of this address will be ignored and treated as 0.

FF55 - HDMA5 - CGB Mode Only - New DMA Length/Mode/Start

These registers are used to initiate a DMA transfer from ROM or RAM to VRAM. The Source Start Address may be located at 0000-7FF0 or A000-DFF0, the lower four bits of the address are ignored (treated as zero). The Destination Start Address may be located at 8000-9FF0, the lower four bits of the address are ignored (treated as zero), the upper 3 bits are ignored either (destination is always in VRAM).

Writing to this register starts the transfer, the lower 7 bits of which specify the Transfer Length (divided by 10h, minus 1), ie. lengths of 10h-800h bytes can be defined by the values 00h-7Fh. The upper bit indicates the Transfer Mode:

Bit7=0 - General Purpose DMA

When using this transfer method, all data is transferred at once. The execution of the program is halted until the transfer has completed. Note that the General Purpose DMA blindly attempts to copy the data, even if the LCD controller is currently accessing VRAM. So General Purpose DMA should be used only if the Display is disabled, or during V-Blank, or (for rather short blocks) during H-Blank. The execution of the program continues when the transfer has been completed, and FF55 then contains a value of FFh.

Bit7=1 - H-Blank DMA

The H-Blank DMA transfers 10h bytes of data during each H-Blank, ie. at LY=0-143, no data is transferred during V-Blank (LY=144-153), but the transfer will then continue at LY=00. The execution of the program is halted during the separate transfers, but the program execution continues during the 'spaces' between each data block. Note that the program should not change the Destination VRAM bank (FF4F), or the Source ROM/RAM bank (in case data is transferred from bankable memory) until the transfer has completed! (The transfer should be paused as described below while the banks are switched)

Reading from Register FF55 returns the remaining length (divided by 10h, minus 1), a value of 0FFh indicates that the transfer has completed. It is also possible to terminate an active H-Blank transfer by writing zero to Bit 7 of FF55. In that case reading from FF55 will return how many $10 "blocks" remained (minus 1) in the lower 7 bits, but Bit 7 will be read as "1". Stopping the transfer doesn't set HDMA1-4 to $FF.


H-Blank DMA should not be started (write to FF55) during a H-Blank period (STAT mode 0).

If the transfer's destination address overflows, the transfer stops prematurely. [Note : what's the state of the registers if this happens ?]

Confirming if the DMA Transfer is Active

Reading Bit 7 of FF55 can be used to confirm if the DMA transfer is active (1=Not Active, 0=Active). This works under any circumstances - after completion of General Purpose, or H-Blank Transfer, and after manually terminating a H-Blank Transfer.

Transfer Timings

In both Normal Speed and Double Speed Mode it takes about 8 μs to transfer a block of 10h bytes. That are 8 tstates in Normal Speed Mode, and 16 'fast' tstates in Double Speed Mode. Older MBC controllers (like MBC1-4) and slower ROMs are not guaranteed to support General Purpose or H-Blank DMA, that's because there are always 2 bytes transferred per microsecond (even if the itself program runs it Normal Speed Mode).

VRAM Tile Data

Tile Data is stored in VRAM at addresses $8000-97FF; with one tile being 16 bytes large, this area defines data for 384 Tiles. In CGB Mode, this is doubled (768 tiles) because of the two VRAM banks.

Each tile is sized 8x8 pixels and has a color depth of 4 colors/gray shades. Tiles can be displayed as part of the Background/Window map, and/or as OAM tiles (foreground sprites). Note that foreground sprites don't use color 0 - it's transparent instead.

There are three "blocks" of 128 tiles each:

  • Block 0 is $8000-87FF
  • Block 1 is $8800-8FFF
  • Block 2 is $9000-97FF

Tiles are always indexed using a 8-bit integer, but the addressing method may differ. The "8000 method" uses $8000 as its base pointer and uses an unsigned addressing, meaning that tiles 0-127 are in block 0, and tiles 128-255 are in block 1. The "8800 method" uses $9000 as its base pointer and uses a signed addressing. To put it differently, "8000 addressing" takes tiles 0-127 from block 0 and tiles 128-255 from block 1, whereas "8800 addressing" takes tiles 0-127 from block 2 and tiles 128-255 from block 1. (You can notice that block 1 is shared by both addressing methods)

Sprites always use 8000 addressing, but the BG and Window can use either mode, controlled by LCDC bit 4.

Each Tile occupies 16 bytes, where each 2 bytes represent a line:

 Byte 0-1  First Line (Upper 8 pixels)
 Byte 2-3  Next Line

For each line, the first byte defines the least significant bits of the color numbers for each pixel, and the second byte defines the upper bits of the color numbers. In either case, Bit 7 is the leftmost pixel, and Bit 0 the rightmost. For example : let's say you have $57 $36 (in this order in memory). To obtain the color index for the leftmost pixel, you take bit 7 of both bytes : 0, and 0. Thus the index is 00b = 0. For the second pixel, repeat with bit 6 : 1, and 0. Thus the index is 01b = 1 (remember to flip the order of the bits !). If you repeat the operation you'll find that the indexes for the 8 pixels are 0 1 2 3 0 3 3 1.

A more visual explanation can be found here.

So, each pixel is having a color number in range from 0-3. The color numbers are translated into real colors (or gray shades) depending on the current palettes. The palettes are defined through registers BGP, OBP0 and OBP1 (Non CGB Mode), and BCPS/BGPI, BCPD/BGPD, OCPS/OBPI and OCPD/OBPD (CGB Mode).

VRAM Background Maps

The Game Boy contains two 32x32 tile background maps in VRAM at addresses 9800h-9BFFh and 9C00h-9FFFh. Each can be used either to display "normal" background, or "window" background.

BG Map Tile Numbers

An area of VRAM known as Background Tile Map contains the numbers of tiles to be displayed. It is organized as 32 rows of 32 bytes each. Each byte contains a number of a tile to be displayed.

Tile patterns are taken from the Tile Data Table using either of the two addressing modes (described above), which can be selected via LCDC register.

As one background tile has a size of 8x8 pixels, the BG maps may hold a picture of 256x256 pixels, and an area of 160x144 pixels of this picture can be displayed on the LCD screen.

BG Map Attributes (CGB Mode only)

In CGB Mode, an additional map of 32x32 bytes is stored in VRAM Bank 1 (each byte defines attributes for the corresponding tile-number map entry in VRAM Bank 0, ie. 1:9800 defines the attributes for the tile at 0:9800):

 Bit 0-2  Background Palette number  (BGP0-7)
 Bit 3    Tile VRAM Bank number      (0=Bank 0, 1=Bank 1)
 Bit 4    Not used
 Bit 5    Horizontal Flip            (0=Normal, 1=Mirror horizontally)
 Bit 6    Vertical Flip              (0=Normal, 1=Mirror vertically)
 Bit 7    BG-to-OAM Priority         (0=Use OAM priority bit, 1=BG Priority)

When Bit 7 is set, the corresponding BG tile will have priority above all OBJs (regardless of the priority bits in OAM memory). There's also a Master Priority flag in LCDC register Bit 0 which overrides all other priority bits when cleared.

Note that, if the map entry at 0:9800 is tile $2A, the attribute at 1:9800 doesn't define properties for ALL tiles $2A on-screen, but only the one at 0:9800 !

Normal Background (BG)

The SCY and SCX registers can be used to scroll the background, allowing to select the origin of the visible 160x144 pixel area within the total 256x256 pixel background map. Background wraps around the screen (i.e. when part of it goes off the screen, it appears on the opposite side.)

The Window

Besides background, there is also a "window" overlaying the background. The window is not scrollable, that is, it is always displayed starting from its left upper corner. The location of a window on the screen can be adjusted via WX and WY registers. Screen coordinates of the top left corner of a window are WX-7,WY. The tiles for the window are stored in the Tile Data Table. Both the Background and the window share the same Tile Data Table.

Both background and window can be disabled or enabled separately via bits in the LCDC register.

VRAM Banks (CGB only)

The CGB has twice the VRAM of the DMG, but it is banked and either bank has a different purpose.

FF4F - VBK - CGB Mode Only - VRAM Bank (R/W)

This register can be written to to change VRAM banks. Only bit 0 matters, all other bits are ignored.

VRAM bank 1

VRAM bank 1 is split like VRAM bank 0 ; 8000-97FF also stores tiles (just like in bank 0), which can be accessed the same way as (and at the same time as) bank 0 tiles. 9800-9FFF contains the attributes for the corresponding Tile Maps.

Reading from this register will return the number of the currently loaded VRAM bank in bit 0, and all other bits will be set to 1.

VRAM Sprite Attribute Table (OAM)

Gameboy video controller can display up to 40 sprites either in 8x8 or in 8x16 pixels. Because of a limitation of hardware, only ten sprites can be displayed per scan line. Sprite patterns have the same format as BG tiles, but they are taken from the Sprite Pattern Table located at $8000-8FFF and have unsigned numbering.

Sprite attributes reside in the Sprite Attribute Table (OAM - Object Attribute Memory) at $FE00-FE9F. Each of the 40 entries consists of four bytes with the following meanings:

Byte0 - Y Position

Specifies the sprites vertical position on the screen (minus 16). An off-screen value (for example, Y=0 or Y>=160) hides the sprite.

Byte1 - X Position

Specifies the sprites horizontal position on the screen (minus 8). An off-screen value (X=0 or X>=168) hides the sprite, but the sprite still affects the priority ordering - a better way to hide a sprite is to set its Y-coordinate off-screen.

Byte2 - Tile/Pattern Number

Specifies the sprites Tile Number (00-FF). This (unsigned) value selects a tile from memory at 8000h-8FFFh. In CGB Mode this could be either in VRAM Bank 0 or 1, depending on Bit 3 of the following byte. In 8x16 mode, the lower bit of the tile number is ignored. IE: the upper 8x8 tile is "NN AND FEh", and the lower 8x8 tile is "NN OR 01h".

Byte3 - Attributes/Flags:

 Bit7   OBJ-to-BG Priority (0=OBJ Above BG, 1=OBJ Behind BG color 1-3)
        (Used for both BG and Window. BG color 0 is always behind OBJ)
 Bit6   Y flip          (0=Normal, 1=Vertically mirrored)
 Bit5   X flip          (0=Normal, 1=Horizontally mirrored)
 Bit4   Palette number  **Non CGB Mode Only** (0=OBP0, 1=OBP1)
 Bit3   Tile VRAM-Bank  **CGB Mode Only**     (0=Bank 0, 1=Bank 1)
 Bit2-0 Palette number  **CGB Mode Only**     (OBP0-7)

Sprite Priorities and Conflicts

During each scanline's OAM scan, the LCD controller compares LY to each sprite's Y position to find the 10 sprites on that line that appear first in OAM ($FE00-$FE03 being the first). It discards the rest, allowing only 10 sprites to be displayed on any one line. When this limit is exceeded, sprites appearing later in OAM won't be displayed. To keep unused sprites from affecting onscreen sprites, set their Y coordinate to Y = 0 or Y >= 160 (144 + 16) (Note : Y <= 8 also works if sprite size is set to 8x8). Just setting the X coordinate to X = 0 or X >= 168 (160 + 8) on a sprite will hide it, but it will still affect other sprites sharing the same lines.

If using BGB, in the VRAM viewer - OAM tab, hover your mouse over the small screen to highlight the sprites on a line. Sprites hidden due to the limitation will be highlighted in red.

When these 10 sprites overlap, the highest priority one will appear above all others, etc. (Thus, no Z-fighting.) In CGB mode, the first sprite in OAM ($FE00-$FE03) has the highest priority, and so on. In Non-CGB mode, the smaller the X coordinate, the higher the priority. The tie breaker (same X coordinates) is the same priority as in CGB mode.

The priority calculation between sprites disregards OBJ-to-BG Priority (attribute bit 7). Only the highest-priority nonzero sprite pixel at any given point is compared against the background. Thus if a sprite with a higher priority (based on OAM index) but with OBJ-to-BG Priority turned on overlaps a sprite with a lower priority and a nonzero background pixel, the background pixel is displayed regardless of the lower-priority sprite's OBJ-to-BG Priority.

Writing Data to OAM Memory

The recommended method is to write the data to normal RAM first, and to copy that RAM to OAM by using the DMA transfer function, initiated through DMA register (FF46). Beside for that, it is also possible to write data directly to the OAM area by using normal LD commands, this works only during the H-Blank and V-Blank periods. The current state of the LCD controller can be read out from the STAT register (FF41).

Accessing VRAM and OAM


When the LCD Controller is drawing the screen it is directly reading from Video Memory (VRAM) and from the Sprite Attribute Table (OAM). During these periods the Gameboy CPU may not access the VRAM and OAM. That means, any attempts to write to VRAM/OAM are ignored (the data remains unchanged). And any attempts to read from VRAM/OAM will return undefined data (typically a value of FFh).

For this reason the program should verify if VRAM/OAM is accessible before actually reading or writing to it. This is usually done by reading the Mode Bits from the STAT Register (FF41). When doing this (as described in the examples below) you should take care that no interrupts occur between the wait loops and the following memory access - the memory is guaranteed to be accessible only for a few cycles directly after the wait loops have completed.

VRAM (memory at 8000h-9FFFh) is accessible during Mode 0-2

 Mode 0 - H-Blank Period,
 Mode 1 - V-Blank Period, and
 Mode 2 - Searching OAM Period

A typical procedure that waits for accessibility of VRAM would be:

 ld   hl,0FF41h    ;-STAT Register
@@wait:            ;\
 bit  1,(hl)       ; Wait until Mode is 0 or 1
 jr   nz,@@wait    ;/

Even if the procedure gets executed at the end of Mode 0 or 1, it is still proof to assume that VRAM can be accessed for a few more cycles because in either case the following period is Mode 2 which allows access to VRAM either. However, be careful about STAT LCD interrupts or other interrupts that could cause the LCD to be back in mode 3 by the time it returns. In CGB Mode an alternate method to write data to VRAM is to use the HDMA Function (FF51-FF55).

If you're not using LCD interrupts, another way to synchronize to the start of mode 0 is to use halt with IME turned off (di). This allows use of the entire mode 0 on one line and mode 2 on the following line, which sum to 165 to 288 dots. For comparison, at single speed (4 dots per machine cycle), a copy from stack that takes 9 cycles per 2 bytes can push 8 bytes (half a tile) in 144 dots, which fits within the worst case timing for mode 0+2.

OAM (memory at FE00h-FE9Fh) is accessible during Mode 0-1

 Mode 0 - H-Blank Period
 Mode 1 - V-Blank Period

Aside from that, OAM can be accessed at any time by using the DMA Function (FF46). When directly reading or writing to OAM, a typical procedure that waits for accessibility of OAM Memory would be:

 ld   hl,0FF41h    ;-STAT Register
@@wait1:           ;\
 bit  1,(hl)       ; Wait until Mode is -NOT- 0 or 1
 jr   z,@@wait1    ;/
@@wait2:           ;\
 bit  1,(hl)       ; Wait until Mode 0 or 1 -BEGINS-
 jr   nz,@@wait2   ;/

The two wait loops ensure that Mode 0 or 1 will last for a few clock cycles after completion of the procedure. In V-Blank period it might be recommended to skip the whole procedure - and in most cases using the above mentioned DMA function would be more recommended anyways.


When the display is disabled, both VRAM and OAM are accessible at any time. The downside is that the screen is blank (white) during this period, so that disabling the display would be recommended only during initialization.