Gameboy Development Forum

Discussion about software development for the old-school Gameboys, ranging from the "Gray brick" to Gameboy Color
(Launched in 2008)

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#1 2023-05-29 14:29:13

Registered: 2019-03-04
Posts: 125

GBCompo / Jam 2023 - June 14 to Sept 14th

The wait is over, the GBCompo 23 is here!

Join us for another edition of the legendary Game Boy Competition: create an original game, music cartridge, tool or demoscene ROM for the Game Boy and compete for glory (and a growing prize pool of already $4000).

Submissions open from June 14th 2023 at 3:00 PM to September 14th 2023 at 3:00 PM Signup Page: page with full ruleset, resources and more:

You can check out and play entries from the previous gbcompo (2021) here:

This competition is about making software that can run on actual game boy hardware.

- The entry must implement / interpret the jam theme : TO BE ANNOUNCED JUNE 15 (applies to Game category
- The final deliverable must consist of a GB or GBC ROM file.
- GBC features are allowed
- SGB features are allowed (but don't rely on them)
- You can use RGBDS (ASM), GBDK (C), ZGB (C), GB Studio, or anything that produces a valid ROM.

Your work must be new and original:

Examples of things that are allowed:

- A brand new game using your own (or any) existing game engine
- A remake of your (or someone else's) game for a different platform, but with new code and assets
- A brand new game you barely started (e.g. you only made a title screen or a mockup of the gameplay)
- Asset packs for art and music are ok if the licensing permits. Make note of what is being reused and under what terms

Examples of things that are not allowed:
- A project you've been working on for months
- An update/patch for a game you already released publicly
- ROM Hacks
- NSFW content

An entry can compete in one and only one of the following leaderboards:
- Games (80% of the prize pool)
- Music cartridges (1 prize)
- Demoscene style (1 prize) -     This category is for audio-visual demonstrations that run without viewer interaction, in such a way as to demonstrate skill in manipulation of the Game Boy hardware through code, special effects, art, music, and direction. More on Wikipedia
- Tool (1 prize)

Last edited by bbbbbr (2023-05-29 14:30:31)



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