Gameboy Development Forum

Discussion about software development for the old-school Gameboys, ranging from the "Gray brick" to Gameboy Color
(Launched in 2008)

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#1 2015-08-12 14:58:15

From: Seydisfjordur, Iceland
Registered: 2015-04-13
Posts: 13

**Flash chip doesn't match selection, or other error. Aborting.

I'm having trouble tongue

I'm trying to Flash my cartridge with LSDJ version 4.7.3 and for some reason I get a massage
when I use ALTANE in Auto selection:

**The ROM file doesn't fit the flash on the cartridge. ROM file size: 1 MiB Flash memory size: 0 B

If I try other settings I get this massage:

**Flash chip doesn't match selection, or other error. Aborting.

The cartridge I'm using has the intel 28F320J5 flash chip, IS62LV1024LL-55HI and a CY3706444-125AC chip.

Am I doing something really dumb or is the cartridge fried?

Cheers! smile
Árni Geir



#2 2015-08-12 16:25:07

Registered: 2010-10-23
Posts: 160

Re: **Flash chip doesn't match selection, or other error. Aborting.

We can't really tell from over here. You give very little detail. Which flash cartridge? What other settings did you try? Did you solder the cartridge yourself? Did you test for shorts? Is write protect on? Can the flash chip be programmed by using the #WR signal or is it using the #AIN signal? Does that match ALTANE's expectation?





#3 2015-08-13 08:03:05

From: Seydisfjordur, Iceland
Registered: 2015-04-13
Posts: 13

Re: **Flash chip doesn't match selection, or other error. Aborting.

Thank you for the reply Tauwasser smile

I managed to flash this cartridge with Auto settings when I got the ALTANE but I was running Windows 8.1 then
and I have no clue if Windows 10 has anything to do with the problem but I'll give you more details smile

I can't remember where I bought the cartridge but it had a Sticker on it which I tore off to see what chips it had.
If I remember correctly the sticker said something about 32. I've been trying to google it but can't find anything
simular to my cartridge. Here is a photo of mine: … 4.jpg?dl=0

About the settings I've tried.
When I connect the flash cart to ALTANE the sofware displays:

This is still beta software. If you encounter a problem, please report it!
Attempting to open serial connection...
Current firmware version: ALTANE000002
Handshake OK

Cratridge settings turn automatically to these:

Flashcart (VIN)
MBC: Auto
ROM size: Auto
Save RAM: I select 128 kiB cause I'm using LSDJ
Flash Method: VIN
Flash chip: uknown
Special power: None

If I try the above settings the software displays:

**  Do: flash ROM.
**Flash info
Cartridge type:  06 (Flashcart (VIN))
Manufacturer id: 89 (Intel)
Device id:       89 (Unknown, 0 B)
Lock info:       14
Reserved byte:   00
**The ROM file doesn't fit the flash on the cartridge. ROM file size: 1 MiB Flash memory size: 0 B

So I check out what chips I have and select them under Cartridge settings:

Cartridge type: EMS 32M/64M
MBC: Auto
ROM size: 1Mib (LSDJ 4.7.3. is 1,024 KB)
Save RAM size: 128 kiB (as above)
Flash method: /WR (have not tried that yet)
Flash Chip: E28F320J5 (as is in my cartridge)
Special power: EMS multicart Capability (came with the EMS 32M/64M preset)

**  Do: flash ROM.
**Flash chip doesn't match selection, or other error. Aborting.

so that one didn't work

I know that the other presets don't mach my cartridge type so I'll leave them for now.

Hope the link to the picture works
And thank you for helping me out big_smile
Arni Geir



#4 2015-08-13 08:10:43

From: Seydisfjordur, Iceland
Registered: 2015-04-13
Posts: 13

Re: **Flash chip doesn't match selection, or other error. Aborting.

well, I've googled a bit more and I found out that the EMS 32M v.1 is simular to mine but, the CY37064P44 is a bit smaller on mine.



#5 2015-08-13 17:50:56

Registered: 2010-10-23
Posts: 160

Re: **Flash chip doesn't match selection, or other error. Aborting.

I can also confirm that that's what an EMS32 cartridge innards look like. Those messages are encouraging. It means your cartridge isn't broken.

It looks like the ALTANE software is reading the CFI record wrong. Device manufacturers sometimes use the lowest address bit, A0, to read the manufacturer information, sometimes they use A1 as lowest address bit.

28F320J5 uses A1 as lowest bit, but ALTANE tries to access it using the A0 method.


Manufacturer id: 89 (Intel)        <-- Correct
Device id:       89 (Unknown, 0 B) <-- Manufacturer ID again
Lock info:       14                <-- Device ID

If you were successful before, that means you can switch the modes that ALTANE tries to read the CFI record.

I don't have access to ALTANE, as it's apparently only ever distributed via e-mail or link to download in e-mail. Try looking for a setting that mentions CFI. Try also looking at the ALTANE more closely. There's apparently a solder link on the bottom, which may influence how it works.





#6 2015-08-13 18:18:26

From: Seydisfjordur, Iceland
Registered: 2015-04-13
Posts: 13

Re: **Flash chip doesn't match selection, or other error. Aborting.

Sweet! Thank you so much Tauwasser!!!
I have to sharpen up my logic skills and read more about those chips
I'll look into it in the morning smile

Maybe I can send you a screen-shot of the ALTANE software, if that's ok with the developers (does anyone object?)
or, if it's OK with everyone, send you a copy for helping me out? (If that is frowned upon I would, surely, not) I just
don't know the copyright of the ALTANE software... I'm going to look it up before I do something stupid tongue



#7 2015-08-14 08:06:34

From: Seydisfjordur, Iceland
Registered: 2015-04-13
Posts: 13

Re: **Flash chip doesn't match selection, or other error. Aborting.

No one objected to the screen-shot so I'll post it here. … 1.jpg?dl=0

I've looked thoroughly after CFI record options but it doesn't seem to be available.

Do you know of any other method I can read the CFI record of the cartridge.
I have the bulky Gameboy Transferer 2 laying around somewhere.
But Then I'll have to salvage an old PC tower with a parallel port.
I think it is worth the hassle smile
Plus it's been a very long time since I used that program and I can't remember
how that stuff works.

It would be awesome if the ALTANE software had that CFI option (hint hint  to the developers)

Reading and dumping games work well with other cartridges. I've managed to copy all my Final Fantasy games
and they seem to work well on the Emulator.

If anybody is interested, my chiptunes:



#8 2015-08-14 11:38:37

Registered: 2010-10-23
Posts: 160

Re: **Flash chip doesn't match selection, or other error. Aborting.

Try the VIN shift and WE shift options. That's all I can think of right now. Maybe if there was a decent help, open source code we could tell more... You might want to shoot nitro a PM to let him know about the problem tho.





#9 2015-08-14 13:52:13

Registered: 2008-02-22
Posts: 247

Re: **Flash chip doesn't match selection, or other error. Aborting.

There were two bugs involved here.
1) The autodetection algorithm took the wrong path, so that EMS 32M cartridges in particular were misidentified.
2) When changing the flash method manually, this would not be properly forwarded from the GUI. Otherwise, it would have been possible to select VIN shift (the correct option in this case) and then flashing would have worked despite the auto detect failure.
VIN means that the Vin pin is used for the write signal to the flash chip. Shift means that the address pins are "shifted", aka the cartridge is using an x16 flash chip in x8 mode.

I've sent (Casette) an updated version via e-mail.

To answer tauwasser's (implicit) question: The software is not planned to be open sourced, but the software and better documentation will become publicly available once the next production run goes for sale, sometime during this fall.

Blog: Gameboy Genius
"A journey of a thousand miles begins with one small step"
Old Chinese Proverb



#10 2015-08-14 14:30:27

From: Seydisfjordur, Iceland
Registered: 2015-04-13
Posts: 13

Re: **Flash chip doesn't match selection, or other error. Aborting.

HOLY FUCK!!!! pardon my french IT WORKED! big_smile

Thank you so much nitro2k01!!!
I really need to sharpen up my logic skills and read the flipping datasheet for a change! tongue

I'm now a proud user of LSDJ 4.7.3 and no need of salvaging an old desktop windows machine! wooohoooo!!

Have an awesome weekend!! big_smile



#11 2015-08-18 15:11:53

Registered: 2010-10-23
Posts: 160

Re: **Flash chip doesn't match selection, or other error. Aborting.

(Casette) wrote:

IT WORKED! big_smile

Good thing you got that working big_smile

nitro2k01 wrote:

To answer tauwasser's (implicit) question: The software is not planned to be open sourced, but the software and better documentation will become publicly available once the next production run goes for sale, sometime during this fall.

Maybe I'll make it explicit then: Why not? Is there any reason you care to publicly share? Are you afraid of reverse engineering of altane?





#12 2015-09-22 18:47:48

New member
Registered: 2015-09-22
Posts: 2

Re: **Flash chip doesn't match selection, or other error. Aborting.

Hello, I am getting similar errors as (casette) was, but not with the same flash cart.

I have two Nintendo Power carts, If I plug them in, it automatically selects these settings:
Cartridge Type: Nintendo Power
MBC: Auto
ROM size: Auto
Save RAM: 128 kiB
Flash Method: NP
Flash chip: 29F008ATC
Special power: None

This is the output log if I try and flash a file to either of them:


This is still beta software. If you encounter a problem, please report it!
Attempting to open serial connection...
Current firmware version: ALTANE000002
Handshake OK
**  Do: flash ROM.
**Flash info
Cartridge type:  07 (Nintendo Power)
Manufacturer id: c2 (Macronix)
Device id:       89 (29F008ATC, 1 MiB)
Lock info:       00
Reserved byte:   00
**Flash chip doesn't match selection, or other error. Aborting.

I tried changing the MBC drop down to Nintendo Power, but it shows the same error.

I also have two Bung 64M carts, both auto set these settings:
Cartridge Type: Flashcart (VIN)
MBC: Auto
ROM size: Auto
Save RAM: 128 kiB
Flash Method: VIN
Flash chip: Unknown
Special power: None

One is labelled as a MR FLASH 64, this has an Intel DA28F640J5 Flash chip in it. The other is labelled as a DOCTOR GB CARD 64M, I can't quite make out the flash chip, but it looks the same as the other one.

If I try flashing either of these carts, I get:


**  Do: flash ROM.
**Flash info
Cartridge type:  06 (Flashcart (VIN))
Manufacturer id: 89 (Intel)
Device id:       89 (Unknown, 0 B)
Lock info:       15
Reserved byte:   00
**The ROM file doesn't fit the flash on the cartridge. ROM file size: 64KiB Flash memory size: 0 B

If I change the Flash chip to Intel or E28F640J3, I get:


**Flash chip doesn't match selection, or other error. Aborting.

I am guessing that this is a similar issue to the one (casette) had.

Any ideas?



#13 2016-03-28 18:58:18

New member
Registered: 2015-09-22
Posts: 2

Re: **Flash chip doesn't match selection, or other error. Aborting.

Sorry for the double post, but I have finally found my EMS32 flash carts, but neither of them work either, same issues as (casette).

I have had my Altane for ages now and am still unable to flash anything with it...

nitro2k01, any suggestions? I would love to get some use out of it.




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