Gameboy Development Forum

Discussion about software development for the old-school Gameboys, ranging from the "Gray brick" to Gameboy Color
(Launched in 2008)

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#1 2011-12-09 08:20:05

New member
Registered: 2011-12-09
Posts: 3

4 player adaptor, adapted for GBC, pocket.

Hello smile

I just got my 4 player adaptor, and I'm just considering the best way to adapt it to GBC/pocket.  So far, I've tried to desolder one of the old connectors off (I hate desoldering), and then accoding to this diagram: … dapter.gif I can solder a cable straight onto the board.

Just wanted to check through a few things;
I have a GBA cable that I should be able to use (I can just cut off that notch on top) but I have no idea what wires go to which connection.  Is there a standard?

If that doesn't work, my next step would be to use one or both of my other cables.  both come with a male and female connector at both ends, and it may be possible to separate them, though it will still leave me one cable short.

Can anyone think of any other ideas?  I guess I could also just solder a cable on to the bottom of each connector, then modify the case, but it looks mint, and it would be a shame to wreck it



#2 2011-12-09 16:53:23

Registered: 2008-02-22
Posts: 247

Re: 4 player adaptor, adapted for GBC, pocket.

Hello. For players 2-4, I recommend simply getting a universal link cable with both big and small connectors on it. This will allow you to connect these players to any type of 'boy, without invasive surgery. Available ere and here:
Kitsch-bent (Sold out ATM.)

The player 1 cable is special, though. It contains a wire for power, which is needed for the operation of the main chip in the adapter. It will be hard to find a suitable cable for the job. Most cable don't have this pin connected, I think. You might want to try ordering the "Henkan" connector from this shop. No idea if it is still in operation, however.

Cutting the key off of GBA connectors is a bad idea, if the plug is of the type that has 4 angled corners and can go in both ways.

Blog: Gameboy Genius
"A journey of a thousand miles begins with one small step"
Old Chinese Proverb



#3 2011-12-19 06:02:23

New member
Registered: 2011-12-09
Posts: 3

Re: 4 player adaptor, adapted for GBC, pocket.

hah, oops!  I had a week off and desoldered the 2-4 connectors and started to solder on bare cables.  So far it doesn't work.  It's just the 2 player at the moment, and it's either a cold solder joint, or I mistook the colour/pin number in the cable (or it doesn't actually correspond directly to the connector).

On the diagram I used, I assumed that the 1-6 notation on the GB connector was looking at it from the front, rather than behind of the connector, and then wired them up directly to the board.

And, yeah I guess I can just get another one and use those cables, but as often happens with these things, I'd have to find a UK source because of the usual ridiculous shipping costs.

What did you search for to find them?



#4 2011-12-22 10:45:57

New member
Registered: 2011-12-09
Posts: 3

Re: 4 player adaptor, adapted for GBC, pocket.

Just FYI, I've gone the more normal route, and I have a big > small adaptor for player 1.  Cheers dude smile



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