Gameboy Development Forum

Discussion about software development for the old-school Gameboys, ranging from the "Gray brick" to Gameboy Color
(Launched in 2008)

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#1 2021-12-01 14:32:12

Registered: 2021-02-21
Posts: 10

Source code for SDCC 12539

I had to stop programming my project because the compiler stopped working.  After some exploring of the issue, I found that it was an upstream problem with the latest builds of SDCC.  I was going to wait to see if they would be repaired only to completely forget about the project.

Today, I was doing some winter cleaning on my server and found this project and decided to try to get back to it with the latest GBDK-2020 and SDCC.  I'm finding that to be a super difficult task.

I use a local LAMP server running on a Raspberry PI 4 with GBDK setup which allows me to program this project and compile it from my phone on the bus or at work at lunch.  This worked fine until the compiler died on me after a server OS reinstall.  Now, I'm facing a similar yet different problem: to reinstall GBDK to the ARM processor of the Raspberry PI 4, I have to compile from sources.

The GBDK readme says to use SDCC 12539 or earlier to maintain compatibility.  Then there are patches for Game Gear.  In order to apply those patched to SDCC I need to compile SDCC from source but finding the source code for 12539 seems to be impossible and the source files for the patched version only contain a readme file.

There is a version of SDCC for Rasbian that is 12016 but that means I can't patch it for GG which I wouldn't mind doing and compiling for both systems the same game.  Thus, I find that I need the older source for SDCC.

It is my hope that some nice kind soul out there has the source code for SDCC 12539 that I can grab from them.  Any help obtaining that source code would be most appreciated.

Thanks in advance.




#2 2021-12-02 02:16:40

Registered: 2019-03-04
Posts: 126

Re: Source code for SDCC 12539

I've uploaded the non-patched source for SDCC 12539 to the GBDK-2020 github repo that we use to also host the patches. … -unpatched

It's not well indicated on Source Forge, but you should also be able to use their Subversion web interface to download a snapshot of the SDCC source tree at any specific revision. For example go to this URL and then click the "Get Snapshot" link.

Hope this helps!



#3 2021-12-02 16:51:30

Registered: 2021-02-21
Posts: 10

Re: Source code for SDCC 12539

bbbbbr wrote:

I've uploaded the non-patched source for SDCC 12539 to the GBDK-2020 github repo


Hope this helps!

It does help!  Thank you.  Not only for the upload but also the information about sourceforge.  I looked all over for how to get an older version.  I guess, in my ignorance of the site I overlooked it.

Seriously though, thanks a lot.




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