Discussion about software development for the old-school Gameboys, ranging from the "Gray brick" to Gameboy Color
(Launched in 2008)
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I wanted to try some asm out but i cant get the makefile to work, using rgbds.
I currently have https://pastebin.com/AD8L2tGE
this gives the error
1>make: *** No rule to make target 'source\main.o', needed by 'final/ASMProject'. Stop.
I want
.asm in the source folder
.inc in the include folder
objects built made in the build folder
my final executable in the final folder
Any help appreciated
This https://pastebin.com/ngSxg69u seems to be working for now.
Sorry to post in same thread again, but it was still relevant to my makefile, kinda, so i decided to put it here. its also not super important if ppl dont help so.
this is currently my makefile now https://pastebin.com/Tq5qApVB
the problem tho is when its running the output is long
because there are so many includes.
MY QUESTION can i reduce rgbasm output eg from
1>C:/rgbds/rgbasm -iinclude/entity.inc -iinclude/gameboy.inc -iinclude/hardware.inc -iinclude/player.inc -iinclude/sound.inc -iassets/generated/dialogue_symbol_data.bin -iassets/generated/main_character_data.bin -iassets/generated/main_font_data.bin -iassets/generated/overworld_ui_tileset_data.bin -iassets/generated/special_font_data.bin -iassets/generated/tileset_overworld_main_data.bin -o build/objects/dialogue.o source/dialogue.asm
1>C:/rgbds/rgbasm -iinclude/entity.inc -iinclude/gameboy.inc -iinclude/hardware.inc -iinclude/player.inc -iinclude/sound.inc -iassets/generated/dialogue_symbol_data.bin -iassets/generated/main_character_data.bin -iassets/generated/main_font_data.bin -iassets/generated/overworld_ui_tileset_data.bin -iassets/generated/special_font_data.bin -iassets/generated/tileset_overworld_main_data.bin -o build/objects/entity.o source/entity.asm
to not include the includes and just do like
1>C:/rgbds/rgbasm -o build/objects/dialogue.o source/dialogue.asm
1>C:/rgbds/rgbasm -o build/objects/entity.o source/entity.asm
I looked at https://rgbds.gbdev.io/docs/v0.5.2/rgbasm.1 and tried to find the opposite of verbose but I didn't see anything.
Anyway its not a super big problem.
Have you considered using ISSOtm's gb-boilerplate?
I probably should look into another, but atm mine works and I like how everything is setup.
To my specific problem i realised putting @ before the command supresses the message so i can
%.o : %.asm @echo Compiling $< @$(RGBDS_ASM) $(ASM_FLAGS) $(INCLUDE_FILES) $(BIN_FILES) -o $(BUILD_DIR)/$(notdir $@) $<
for some nice clean output