Discussion about software development for the old-school Gameboys, ranging from the "Gray brick" to Gameboy Color
(Launched in 2008)
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I was following GamingMonsters tutorial ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4W7j3GQSmvU ) to play music in gbdk, but it is not working for me.
I downloaded their code from https://github.com/gingemonster/GamingM … king_music and ran the makefile, but the output is not right. The .gb file still plays sound, but it is a garbled mess, definitely not what was intended.
I suspect that there was some change in gbdk2020 that makes this code no longer valid, but I am not sure what that would be. Hoping someone more savvy can figure out what I'm missing here.
Sure enough, I installed the old gbdk from https://sourceforge.net/projects/gbdk/files/ , and then the makefile produced the desired output. So there is something new in gbdk2020 breaking it.
Probably you need this change to support the updated calling convention:
https://github.com/AntonioND/gbt-player … cbc7d9ef6f
However, HugeTracker is the more modern way to play music with GBDK and provides better sound and capabilities.
In general for these kinds of things, you can check two parts of the GBDK 2020 documentation.
"Migrating From Pre-GBDK-2020 Tutorials"
https://gbdk-2020.github.io/gbdk-2020/d … totoc_md23
"Migrating to new GBDK Versions"
https://gbdk-2020.github.io/gbdk-2020/d … sions.html
Ah, yep. I replaced the gbt_player files with the latest and that fixed it.
I hadn't come across hUGETracker yet, I will have to check that out next. Thanks!
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