Discussion about software development for the old-school Gameboys, ranging from the "Gray brick" to Gameboy Color
(Launched in 2008)
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Howdy, I have almost completed my first game for the Game Boy! I think it's done, but perhaps a second set of eyes might help. The game is called Oranges, and the object of the game is to get 1,000 points while dodging Oranges. There are a few items which occasionally pop up, like the Fork, which allows you to eat the oranges all the time you're flashing, or the Banana, which automatically adds 15 points to your score, or the Syrup Bottle, which slows down the Oranges briefly. I would like some feedback. What should I change? Is it done? Tell me. You can download the game here. I'd attach it, but I don't know how to attach files. I don't see anything that would let me.
Last edited by chris (2017-04-08 17:18:05)
cute game.
i played to 500 points but its too easy to my taste and it feels that it doesn't evolve as you go (faster/harder/or something).
i would add some graphics to the background and stuff, and also make the music less monotonous since its played in a loop.
funny thing is that i just made a game kind of similar to yours, only in mine you have to catch the "oranges"
Now try it. I sped the oranges up once you get to 100 points. I can't even get past 300 now. The goal is 1,000. At that score you see the ending.
Hi, I've just tried your game Oranges. Congrats on releasing it, it's very impressive for a first game!
Overall, it runs quite well it's fun to play (and not that easy). It feels quite polished with title / game over and a lot of graphics (I like the "orange-o-matic" )
My only complaint would be the music. I'm sorry to say it get quite "irritating" after a few seconds - I think the pitch of most the notes are too high - I don't how to make GB music, but maybe lower notes would improve it.
Oh, and the Syrup slows down the game a lot, maybe a bit too much - at first I though it was lagging
Anyway, congrats on coding such a game on GB, it's quite an achievement!
Last edited by drludos (2017-05-11 22:29:36)
I changed the music and lowered it and changed the syrup so it doesn't slow down the game as much as it did. Link to game in post #1.
Changed the title screen music again. If someone could show me a chart of which NR13_REG, etc. corresponds to what musical note, I'd have a much better time trying to make the music just right.
What value does NR14_REG have to be for that to be correct? Because it isn't working for me.
Last edited by chris (2017-06-13 01:46:10)
Is there a way to find out how much of my allotted 32k I'm using up in my program?
(I know I could bankswitch to get more, but I don't know how.)
Open the debugger in BGB (right click -> Other -> Debugger). In the lower right corner, you can see the content of the complete address space from $0000 to $FFFF. The ROM space for bank 0 reaches from $0000 to $3FFF and the space for bank 1 from $4000 to $7FFF. If you don't use bank switching, that's the 32 kb you have available for code and data. You will notice that beyond a certain address there are only zeros. That's the address where your code and data ends.
Hi again, I've tested your updated version, Congratulations on your progress!
I feel like you increased overall speed since last time, the game is more fun to play now IMHO !
Regarding music, I'm still not a big fan of it, as it's still quite "high-pitched", but yes, it's definitively better than the fist version.
It's been awhile, but I'm back. I played through Oranges through fresh eyes, as it's been about two months since I last played it. I played it, on GBC, and beat it, and one of the audio channels wasn't playing at the end music! But I fixed it. And I think it's done now. I would like to thank all you for being so kind to help me. It makes me want to start a second project. Anyone have any ideas?
I went back and worked on this game some more. I made a few graphic changes and made it so it's endless instead of stopping at a certain number of points. Tell me what you think.
Last edited by chris (2017-12-20 17:21:13)
tested it and well done
BGB stucks on the title screen on my PC.
I justed tested it on real hardware with my everdrive linker and it works fine. The game is fun, weel done
In my opinion, the player sprite is too thin, I think it should be a little more large. Its quite difficult for me to see clearly the sprite on my game boy pocket.
Great game, but I also think the player should be different. For game boy, cute fat characters fit better .
Mills wrote:
Great game, but I also think the player should be different. For game boy, cute fat characters fit better
Like the game and have enjoyed watching your progress. I also vote for a cute fat character.