Gameboy Development Forum

Discussion about software development for the old-school Gameboys, ranging from the "Gray brick" to Gameboy Color
(Launched in 2008)

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#1 2021-09-21 20:01:12

New member
Registered: 2021-09-21
Posts: 5

gbdk-2020 x86 linux issue

Hello, I have compiled gbdk-2020 under x86 linux with latest snapshot of SDCC (sdcc-snapshot-i386-unknown-linux2.5-20210921-12685), examples compile without errors, but gb files in emulator shows just blank screen or garbadge. Only "space" example works. Maybe problem in SDCC, but where I can find old snapshot #12439 for linux i386?



#2 2021-09-21 20:27:24

Registered: 2010-10-23
Posts: 160

Re: gbdk-2020 x86 linux issue

Apparently the SDCC developers only keep the last 5 snapshot builds around... Is 12439 the last good revision? If you have a previously working example and another non-working example around it might be worthwhile to raise an issue in the bug tracker to get the error identified and fixes as possibly more targets are affected.

EDIT: Just looking at the bug tracker there are a lot of GBZ80 bugs in there. Apparently the calling convention was changed so if GBDK contains pre-compiled code or assembler code that might have to be updated for the new calling convention.

Last edited by Tauwasser (2021-09-21 20:30:11)



#3 2021-09-22 02:27:20

Registered: 2020-02-13
Posts: 309

Re: gbdk-2020 x86 linux issue

Do you compile master or develop branch, dos4gw?



#4 2021-09-22 08:00:58

New member
Registered: 2021-09-21
Posts: 5

Re: gbdk-2020 x86 linux issue

Tauwasser, this build is used in pre-compiled gbdk for windows from github's main page so I thought this is a working snap

toxa, I used release 4.0.4 for compiling. Now I try develop and examples working! But my project works wrong, collision detection is broken. I'm using pointer to array of background tiles and checking tiles around the player's sprite, if its 0 (tile for grass) then player can move on it, otherwise do nothing.



#5 2021-09-22 08:56:10

Registered: 2020-02-13
Posts: 309

Re: gbdk-2020 x86 linux issue

Use binary release. Don’t compile GBDK yourself.
ps: we check nightlies that we put into binary releases, they are considered to be fine. Unfortunately, not all builds are stable, and recent builds have a lot of problems because of the new calling convention, many new bugs were introduced and we need to wait until they are fixed.

Last edited by toxa (2021-09-22 09:01:54)



#6 2021-09-22 09:20:30

New member
Registered: 2021-09-21
Posts: 5

Re: gbdk-2020 x86 linux issue

I don't see binary release for 32bit linux, only 64



#7 2021-09-22 10:02:17

Registered: 2020-02-13
Posts: 309

Re: gbdk-2020 x86 linux issue

we don't have binary releases for 32-bit linux. i also compiled gbdk-2020 with SDCC 4.1.11 #12685 (MINGW64), most of examples look like working, i noticed several issues (with math, mainly) so it is not recommended to use that version yet, but nothing near what you are describing:  "gb files in emulator shows just blank screen or garbadge". almost everything is working, even SMS/GG targets. develop branch, of course.

Last edited by toxa (2021-09-22 10:02:41)



#8 2021-09-22 10:27:21

New member
Registered: 2021-09-21
Posts: 5

Re: gbdk-2020 x86 linux issue

Thats a very sad. I got that blank or garbage result when used 4.0.4 release of gbdk src with sdcc 12685, and I understand my mistake, it's not compatible. With develop branch examples work as you describe. So there are two ways: find old sdcc snap or wait untill they fixed current math problems smile



#9 2021-09-22 10:41:40

Registered: 2020-02-13
Posts: 309

Re: gbdk-2020 x86 linux issue

or checkout SDCC sources of the required version (i suggest  SDCC 4.1.6 #12539) from SVN and compile them yourself



#10 2021-09-22 14:58:28

New member
Registered: 2021-09-21
Posts: 5

Re: gbdk-2020 x86 linux issue

Now it's working. Thank you for your time, have a good day!



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