SDCC output samples

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SDCC is a C compiler targeting, among other instruction sets, the Sharp SM83 CPU in the Game Boy. It is commonly used with the GBDK-2020 library to develop Game Boy games. Here are some samples of its output.


C source code:

void memcpy(char* dest, char* src, unsigned len) {
    while (len--) {
        *dest = *src;

SDCC 4.1.0 compiles it to the following: (View in Compiler Explorer)

        add     sp, #-4
        ldhl    sp,     #6
        ld      a, (hl+)
        ld      e, (hl)
        ldhl    sp,     #0
        ld      (hl+), a
        ld      (hl), e
        ldhl    sp,     #8
        ld      a, (hl+)
        ld      e, (hl)
        ldhl    sp,     #2
        ld      (hl+), a
        ld      (hl), e
        ldhl    sp,#10
        ld      a, (hl+)
        ld      c, a
        ld      b, (hl)
        ld      e, c
        ld      d, b
        dec     bc
        ld      a, d
        or      a, e
        jr      Z, 00104$
        ldhl    sp,#2
        ld      a, (hl+)
        ld      e, a
        ld      d, (hl)
        ld      a, (de)
        pop     hl
        push    hl
        ld      (hl), a
        ldhl    sp,     #0
        inc     (hl)
        jr      NZ, 00117$
        inc     hl
        inc     (hl)
        ldhl    sp,     #2
        inc     (hl)
        jr      NZ, 00101$
        inc     hl
        inc     (hl)
        jr      00101$
        add     sp, #4

Compare a handwritten implementation in assembly language that takes dest in DE, src in HL, and len in BC. (This is the same register allocation used for Zilog Z80's ldir instruction.)

        ld      a, (hl+)
        ld      (de), a
        dec     bc
        ld      a, b
        or      a, c
        jr      nz, memcpy_loop