Gameboy Development Forum

Discussion about software development for the old-school Gameboys, ranging from the "Gray brick" to Gameboy Color
(Launched in 2008)

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#1 2014-03-30 06:55:30

Registered: 2013-01-04
Posts: 20

gbdev Gameboy Coding Compo

UPDATE: Read the results here!

gbdev Gameboy Coding Compo

Hi and welcome to this gbdev Gameboy Coding Compo!  The point of this competition is to create new homebrew Gameboy or Gameboy Color games and demos for everybody to enjoy.  Everyone is encouraged to join!  Even if you've just coded your first hello world (or you're going to), do try to make a simple game!  Your entry is welcome.

Some simple guidelines:

1. Your entry should run on hardware and major emulators.  Do not rely on known emulator quirks.
  You're encouraged to test your game in accurate emulators like bgb and gambatte
2. Your entry should be original, and preferably not a rehash of any older project you may have released in the past.  It should be the first public release of the project, or at least substantially different from any older one.
  ROM hacks are not allowed.  Cloning (recreating) an existing game is fine, if you so wish.

Besides these two, use common sense - remember that your submission will be released to public scrutiny.

Source code is optional, but always appreciated!

Don't know where to start?  A barebones project may be posted here soon to help you get the ball rolling.

Recommended assemblers are rgbds or WLA-DX.  Of course, new, innovative solutions are not discouraged.  Show us something interesting!  Additionally, bgb is an accurate emulator with a great debugger, which helps immensively when developing, so you're encouraged to use it, too.

If you need any help or advice, feel free to ask around on this forum, or in the IRC channel ( #gbdev)!

You may post progress and screenshots in this thread to get feedback from people, or you may keep your submission under wraps - up to you.  However, please do not release early versions.

The deadline is 2014-07-01 (pretty much three months from this announcement), after which voting will be held public for two weeks.  Finally, the results will be announced!

Entries should be posted to, along with the name you want to use, your forum name, the project name a description of the project.  You may send updates at any time until the deadline - only the latest version will be regarded.

This is my first compo of this kind, so there might be some hurdles along the way - again, feel free to ask here if anything's not clear.  Most importantly, have fun!

EDIT: Time extension!  Read my later post.

Last edited by Sanqui (2015-01-04 10:18:18)



#2 2014-04-08 17:36:20

Registered: 2014-02-09
Posts: 22

Re: gbdev Gameboy Coding Compo

Interesting project. Hope to see some entries. wink



#3 2014-04-19 17:57:56

New member
Registered: 2014-04-19
Posts: 7

Re: gbdev Gameboy Coding Compo

I join the compo! Here is the first screenshot of my project :

Last edited by UraKn0x (2014-04-19 17:59:12)



#4 2014-04-23 00:26:37

New member
Registered: 2014-03-31
Posts: 1

Re: gbdev Gameboy Coding Compo

My first pure ASM GB game:

Good thing the GameBoy is sturdier than a smartphone...



#5 2014-05-10 23:38:46

New member
Registered: 2009-02-28
Posts: 8

Re: gbdev Gameboy Coding Compo

For the competition, I'm working on a port of one of my current z80 graphing calculator projects, which I can hopefully develop side-by-side once the Game Boy engine is finished.

This is a clone of Steins;Gate 8-bit, the spinoff 8-bit-style text adventure sequel to the popular visual novel Steins;Gate. But now, it will be running on real 8-bit machines, rather than simulating the appearance of 8-bit machines on a PC!

Work on the engine is progressing smoothly, as shown below. (And yes, the images are vector art rendered at runtime, not prerendered!)



#6 2014-06-20 12:24:26

Registered: 2013-01-04
Posts: 20

Re: gbdev Gameboy Coding Compo

Since it's ten days to the deadline, I'd like to ask about the status of your projects :)
Do you think you'll be done?  Or maybe you'll only have a demo ready?

Last edited by Sanqui (2014-06-20 12:24:39)



#7 2014-06-20 12:49:30

New member
Registered: 2009-02-28
Posts: 8

Re: gbdev Gameboy Coding Compo

Sanqui wrote:

Since it's ten days to the deadline, I'd like to ask about the status of your projects smile
Do you think you'll be done?  Or maybe you'll only have a demo ready?

I let the project slip away from me a bit, but I was able to get my audio engine working. The only thing I really still need to do before a release is implement a robust interface for command entry.

As far as actual game content is concerned, I'd say it's much more than a demo, but I certainly can't call it complete. I would say a little over half of the full game will be accessible in my first release (that is, by the time the contest is over).

Edit: Also, I plan to have the save data be compatible with any newer versions I might release, so you can continue where you left off when I add more content.

Last edited by calc84maniac (2014-06-20 13:03:02)



#8 2014-06-21 17:22:03

Registered: 2014-06-17
Posts: 134

Re: gbdev Gameboy Coding Compo

I've just sent my finished GBC demo to Sanqui. tongue



#9 2014-07-01 09:25:08

Registered: 2013-01-04
Posts: 20

Re: gbdev Gameboy Coding Compo

Hey all, just a little update.  I've received four submissions so far.
We've talked about it a bit on IRC, and decided that it'd be the best if I added a little more time for people to polish their project.  Therefore, I'm giving everybody an additional week to send me their project.  The absolute deadline is in seven days from now (and a few hours): 2014-07-08 23:59 UTC.
Thanks everybody for participating and I hope this will give you the time you need to make your project as good as it can be!



#10 2014-07-08 21:02:09

Registered: 2008-02-22
Posts: 247

Re: gbdev Gameboy Coding Compo

I'm an hour late, so I don't know if it will be considered acceptable to bend the rules like this, but this is a snake game that was finished in just two hours, coded from scratch (except library functions for memory copy/clear/data decompress/joypad read) one hour before the contest ended.

Blog: Gameboy Genius
"A journey of a thousand miles begins with one small step"
Old Chinese Proverb



#11 2014-07-09 06:46:49

Registered: 2013-01-04
Posts: 20

Re: gbdev Gameboy Coding Compo

I got six submissions.  The voting and discussion topics will be made today!



#12 2014-07-09 20:04:50

Registered: 2013-01-04
Posts: 20

Re: gbdev Gameboy Coding Compo



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